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What is a Web amp and how do I create one?

The following article will explain how to create Web amps with Amplify.

What is a Web amp?

A Web amp is a chatbot that you can add to your current website (e.g a campaign page) to help guide your users to the most relevant content. You can trigger different conversations in various places across the site and display focused information based on user interactions with the amp.

How do I create a Web amp?

  1. From the sidebar on the Amplify dashboard, click ‘Create new’ and select ‘Website’.

  2. Name your Amp with a relevant name. This will be used in the header when the amp is published.

  3. Choose the branding you would like to apply to your new amp. You can currently change color, icon and add a custom avatar.

  4. Click ‘Create’ and the conversation builder will reveal itself.

  5. You are now ready to start building your Web amp.

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